分享檔案時,請務必移除相關的中繼資料。 映像文件通常包含 Exif 數據。 照片有時甚至在文件元數據中包含GPS坐標。
您 永遠不應 透過模糊文字的方式來遮蓋 圖片中的文字。 If you want to redact text in an image, you should draw a box over the text.
MAT2 is free, cross-platform software which allows you to remove metadata from image, audio, torrent, and document file types. 它提供命令行工具和圖形用戶界面擴展給 Dolphin,其為KDE的預設檔案管理器。
ExifEraser (Android)
ExifEraser 是 Android 的現代無需許可的圖像中繼資料擦除應用程式。
它目前支援JPEG , PNG和WebP 檔案格式。
- JPEG:可清除 ICC Profile、Exif、Photoshop Image Resources 和 XMP/ExtendedXMP 等中繼資料。
- PNG:可清除 ICC Profile、Exif和XMP等中繼資料。
- WebP: 可清除 ICC Profile、Exif 和XMP 等中繼資料。
處理完影像後, ExifEraser會為您提供一份完整的報告,說明每張影像中究竟刪除了哪些內容。
該應用程式提供了多種方式來清除圖像中的中繼數據。 亦即:
- 您可以使用 ExifEraser 分享其他應用程式的圖片。
- 通過應用程式本身,可以一次選擇單個圖片,多個圖片,甚至是整個目錄。
- 它具有“相機”選項,該選項使用操作系統的相機應用程式拍攝照片,然後從中刪除中繼數據。
- 在分割視窗模式下,它可以從另一個應用程式拖放圖片到 ExifEraser 。
- 最後,它允許您從剪貼板黏貼圖像。
Shortcuts (iOS & macOS)
On iOS and macOS, you can remove image metadata without using any third-party apps by creating a shortcut for this purpose. Here is an example shortcut you can download to use as is:
You can also use it as a model for your own shortcut; just make sure that the Preserve Metadata option under the Convert action is unchecked. Once added, you can access the shortcut in the share sheet that appears when you select the Share button. You can select multiple images and invoke the shortcut to remove their metadata all at once.
This shortcut removes metadata such as location, device model, lens model, and other camera information. It also sets the image creation date to the time the shortcut was used.
ExifTool (CLI)
ExifTool is the original Perl library and command-line application for reading, writing, and editing meta information (Exif, IPTC, XMP, and more) in a wide variety of file formats (JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PDF, RAW, and more).
It is often a component of other Exif removal applications and in most Linux distribution repositories.
exiftool -all= *.file_extension
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